Three weeks ago, out of boredom, I decided to go online. After checking my mails and checking out if I had any new alerts in my Facebook and MySpace accounts , I came across this horoscope website by Jenna. I was browsing over the testimonials on how gifted she was in foreseeing events in the future. After all the great reviews of Jenna's clients, I decided to give it a try so I signed up for an initial reading of my "stars". Three days after, I received an email from Jenna herself. The email surprised me.

In a way everything she said was "somehow" true. I however decided to research more about Jenna and her website I was more surprised with what I have found out about her. She was a fraud. Her site does free astrology reading but you have to pay $60 to her by credit card in order for her to continue with the readings and if you delay, she will reduce it to $45. There were alot of reports from her clients that after paying, they received nothing. It was a complete hoax. So I am using this medium to inform the public..DO NOT FALL PREY!!!

Please lets hear from you. Kindly share your experience with Jenna in the comments section below.


  1. Anonymous10:31 PM

    I have read through a number of different web-sites about Jenna the fraud...i did not send her money, i don't have it...she hit on things that i've been dealing with, she was not far off, she did say pretty much the same things i've been reading that she said to other people, however the tranist was 29days. It's truelly sad that someone takes advantage of others in this way. I do have a strong sense and intution and i have faith, however, when someone pushes me and implies that 'if you don't do something now, you're going to miss the chance and it's never going to come again in your life time' this is a disgusting display of self arrogance and does give a bad name to those who trully are genuine. One must remember not to feel studip about being duped. In my case i will take what she has said and use it as helpful insight, it will not run my life. I hope she gets caught for what she's done to people. Thank you for letting me say something

  2. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Thank-you to everyone who posted comments about Jenna. There are so many people who are are in desperate need of answers at this point in their lives. I am one of them and I sure can't afford to be scammed.

  3. I am glad that you learned one or two things from these post. God bless

  4. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Ireceived a free reading and then I constantly received emails prompting me to do this because this transit was coming soon and there will be years before this time will come again. It was a charge of $60.00 then reduced to $45.00 which was said only to be available for a limited time. However, I was hesitant and start researching and found about JENNA. I am so glad I did and I did not fall for this scam.

  5. @ Anomymous - I am happy that you took out time to research first and didnt fall for the scam. I wud have fallen for the scam, just that I didnt have a credit card. So one day, I curiously googles her and found out tht she was a fake. I then had to let the worls know through this medium

  6. HUH !!!11:41 AM

    hi all

    i developed an interest in astrology and numerology. so a few days back i was searching the related things on google. so there i found about jenna, the astrologer. as she offered free reading, so i decided to go for it. and within 2 days i received an email and the things she wrote me were looked to me so true and actually they are. i have consulted other astrologers too in person earlier and got to know almost the same things about me. so i was highly impressed by her readings. she asked for a fee to do detailed reading. well, she can ask for that as she has knowledge on a particular subject and she has to live her life too like we want to. so definitely she can be interested in earning money by making use of her knowledge. in my case, i cant go for paid reading as i dont have the money to spend on it. then today out of curiosity, i liked to research on her further and found so many posts and comments regarding her. people who find her fake are so furious and aggressive on her and feel like being scammed by her. so reading all this i got bit disappointed because just few hours ago i was so excited about her and in a matter of few hours, my all enthusiasm got down. anyways, i know the mails sent by her are automated ones, but then i wonder why all of us believe in her free readings so much. how is it possible that we all could relate to her free readings so well which are same for all ???

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      What were the dates she gave was it 1997 &1998 like mine just asking

    2. Anonymous3:56 AM

      No diffrent dates. But the date that she gave me was oddly familiar...who on here actually paid for a reading? Theres no way they can be automated messages...she new that something important happened to me when I was 17...did she tell everyone that? I'm guessing, no.

    3. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Yes the year that she mentioned to me was 97 , 98 . The age was around 17 , 18

    4. Anonymous7:18 AM

      The same thing for me but honestly 17 or 18 are one of the most important ages of life when we're transitioning from being teenagers to young woman and men so of course something important is going to happen.

    5. Anonymous9:34 PM

      yipp she told me 1978 1979 way back when i was 18 and she told me 2008 i^m gutted she's a fake i was elated for about an hour after receiving her email then thought i^d Google her ~ she shouldn't play with peoples feelings its dangerous :( x

    6. I like Jenna she has a gift n only God can judge her

  7. @ HUH - thanks for your response and the fact that you are taking out time to also educate others. Cheers.

  8. Anonymous5:34 AM

    she is "operating" me now... after 3 emails with a complicated explanation, and ended up for the credit card number for usd30 only...
    I ignore the request !
    Ok.. i like to share with you all, actually she is a professional astrologer. And she is asking her fee for doing her job..,its makes sense I think, since nothing in this world are for free, do you exspecting her voluntary sitting to be your fortune teller.? it depends on you if you hv faith for that,then you just pay her, but if you dont hv faith for wht she is telling you , so just ignored this.

  9. @ Anonymous - I don't not think she is a genuine astrologer, cos she sends the same word for word astrology mails to all her clients. She doesn't have different findings for d/f people. All here reading for different people are the same. I think she is a fraud not a professional.

    1. Anonymous1:06 AM

      Marines....she is lying, dont waste your money jar head!!!!!!

    2. Bt whattever she wrote was 100% right.......nd the matter of transition,it happens in every sign......if she is fake how can she give first reading so perfect....after paying she emails us when something troubleful situation exists....if she is fake she emails even after she's paid...nd reading is can she be fake????

  10. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Ok Guys,

    May be she is a scam maybe she aint i aint sure my self i subscribed to her back in 2009 around october something like tht and talked about the transit too and gave me dates but so far things that she said would happen are actually happening but not on the dates she gave me and i have passed the transit periods and things she said are happening and some havent yet.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Well I got the same emails.. an she gave me dates an said the same thing bout sumthin about me wen I wuz 17,18 in 98.. but readin thru an its just funny to me so many ppl got the same time frme.. u dnt think that odd.. I'm waitin for these dates she gave me she said began june 12 an will end sept. I think she manipulate ppl who is lookin for answers nto believin n sumthin an gettin ther hopes u cuz they believ n things like "psychics".

  11. @ Anonymous - Thanks for your view on this issue. Sincerest Regards.

  12. Anonymous4:58 AM

    If you didn't get the reading then you don't know what you are tking about

    everything she said about me is true and no one has eve been as ccurate about my character as her

    everyting she told me is coming true
    you cut her down without giving her a chance

    60 dolars is cheap you losers
    I'm sure you spend more on beer
    she's more intelligent than any of you could ever be

    cry babies

  13. I also have had contacts with this 'woman' and she told me that she will be a friend. But curious as I was at that time I send her a letter. Than of course I had to pay for her reading. Since I'm not a rich man, I couldn't pay. After a certain time, the first was in April 2009, she contact me back. But now I'm different since I've learned to use my 'sensitive intuition' and found out that it was fake.

    With the system that DR.Jose Silva has invented through an intensive research of 22 years since 1944, we could have any profecy we want for the future by ourself. It's not worth it to have another person to interfere in your own privacy.

    Psychorientology will give us the way how to live and not the other way round.

    Lasmono Dyar,Cp.Ing,Ph.D.Psy
    Lecturer Psychorientology for
    Indonesia since 1980

  14. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Useful blog website, keep me personally through searching it, I am seriously interested to find out another recommendation of it.

  15. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article

  16. Anonymous2:48 PM

    She is a professional astrologer I think. I registered with Jenna and she was not in contact for a year. I received email from her then where she said she senced my problem and there she was explaining it to me making it all clear. How is that for fraud? Maybe she really helps to people who really need her help. I think so.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      I m Renata ,jenna made a free reading and I did ot had creditcard so she sad that my transit is naw and if I can it will be inportant fore me to go to any astrology near my home.

  17. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Jennna,,, the best and professional astrologer I ever connected with.. It was among those saddest days of my life and no one/anyone could understand me!! The only source of my happiness was my own effort... no matter how I tried to explain my problem, circumstances, feelings, pains, there seemed no one understood me..
    I decided to opt for astrology, and I met this great woman!! Jenna/The professional..!

    Trust me.. she offered me the free reading and everything in that report was real and without hesitation I decide to press order for the full reading.. To start with my character analysis.. I found myself there... the real me.. and nothing was a lie..

    On my career aspect.. I truly got the job she predicted to me.. with the same feature, people and all the aspects she predicted..
    My love life... I never thought of loving someone/falling in love.. It was impossible.. the same dates predicted by Jenna,, its when I met the man of my life with the same, same, same feature.. He made me live true love and experience the real rhythm of it.. I am very happy now-days..! and our wedding will be soon!!

    I real wish to meet Jenna in person sometimes in the future...
    She is true person given you pay her what she deserves without questioning..

    Thanks to her,,, I got to know my future and everything happened as she predicted..

    If you wish you can believe and try her.. not important to worry about the 60$ that much.. we always get and spend money on some other fancy things...


  18. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Hi All,

    I subscribed to Jenna's reading just last week and as promised on the 3rd day she delivered my reading. I am yet to find if the transit dates are correct, but in my heart, I know that she means good. She gave a very accurate reading of my character. She also sent along a free e-book about how to hone our intution and skills and that was absolutely unnecessary.
    We cannot expect everything in life for free. There is no harm in paying if you can afford it.
    With the advent of the internet, we love everything that comes free, so how do people make a living? If you go to an astrologer for a reading you also have to pay. If you are not in a position to pay, don't. But I think you guys should not 'hammer' her without knowing whether she is genuine or not.
    Tell you what, wait out a bit and I will let you know about the transit date predictions at a later time.
    She is very encouraging and gives you motivation. For those of you who believe in the 'Law of Attraction' then believe that good things will happen to all of us at some time or other.

  19. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I be been signed up for dat stupid astro thing for more over than a year.. the thing is I love to go through the crazy stuff she/he send over.. read em when I got nothing to do.. when I got the first email it was $60 she wanted to do the whatever reading for me. but after a year she is just asking for $10.. :D hopefully another year down the line she will do it for free. Hehe.. oops now she knows my plan. or may be she did know this.. cheers jenna.

  20. Anonymous10:20 PM

    hie ...i got d mails too...i think u can trust her who wish 2 do smething gud 4 u shez nt hittin u ...i absolutely agree 2 d comment next 2 d above...u can spend alot of money on luxury or drinks n bla bla bla bt cant afford 2 spend money on dis gud reason for ur future nuthin will help her anywaz shes doin it for our sake..shez jus askin for little money y wud anybdy do it for free.I think if u can afford it or curious enuf den u can consult her.
    First talk 2 her cosult her den only talk bout her i think...
    all my own views ..Thank u..:)

  21. Anonymous10:21 PM

    hie ...i got d mails too...i think u can trust her who wish 2 do smething gud 4 u shez nt hittin u ...i absolutely agree 2 d comment next 2 d above...u can spend alot of money on luxury or drinks n bla bla bla bt cant afford 2 spend money on dis gud reason for ur future nuthin will help her anywaz shes doin it for our sake..shez jus askin for little money y wud anybdy do it for free.I think if u can afford it or curious enuf den u can consult her.
    First talk 2 her cosult her den only talk bout her i think...
    all my own views ..Thank u..:)

  22. Anonymous3:06 PM

    The two things that Jenna said which were giant red flags for me were 1) the imminent transit- and it would appear that everyone has been advised of an imminent transit, and 2) the rediculously long and poorly worded email. If there is a woman named Jenna who is a professional astrologer who earns her living doing online readings, she would dangle a brief, personal and true detail to prove her authenticity. Some part of us all responds to the idea that something is imminent. None of us would even ask for any kind of a reading if we were completely peaceful. Don't give Jenna your money. I imagine it would become an ongoing "need" and hole in the pocket.

  23. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I have experienced the readings from Jenna. I am also one of those who does not believe in any psychic or astrologer like her but maybe or such an instance that you would be in a situation that you could go to no one but try of someone who can see what an ordinary person could not. Her professional fee I guess is normal, she would not tell you to add more after you paid and after her readings. Like other people said, it is up to you if you believe on her or not but for some who have tried her, her readings include guidance and advises which is indeed a big help for people whom carrying a big burden on their shoulder.

  24. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I have experienced the readings from Jenna. I am also one of those who does not believe in any psychic or astrologer like her but maybe or such an instance that you would be in a situation that you could go to no one but try of someone who can see what an ordinary person could not. Her professional fee I guess is normal, she would not tell you to add more after you paid and after her readings. Like other people said, it is up to you if you believe on her or not but for some who have tried her, her readings include guidance and advises which is indeed a big help for people whom carrying a big burden on their shoulder.

  25. Valentina Karunina10:06 PM

    hello,everybody.I've read lots of comments and now let me share with you my vision of the situation.Having received Jenna's first letter I was greatly impressed and excited,'cause nearly everything was correct.But how it could be wrong if she writes about general things in astrology?It stands to reason this Transit(being very powerful indeed)can't help influencing ALL THE PEOPLE somehow or other!But the thing is, writing
    one and the same things to everyone with small individual inclusions(which are correct)she manages to touch and impress nearly all the readers.I can't say about her astrological skills yet,but she

  26. Valentina Karunina11:09 PM

    I'd like to continue.She perfectly knows all the tricks of phycology:to be warm,very personal,extremely friendly,flattering in a way(thoug nothing bad in it)Using this technique she makes you think u're special,unique,powerful,just simply the best.She's really very convincing!BUT...She's so concerned with the clients and money(judging by comment).So,If she's a really good one,wouldn't she need so many

  27. Hey... How come she asked me $80 ...

  28. How come she asked me for $80 for the full reading ....

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      She asked me for $80 too???!

  29. I consulted Jenna in 2009 - I got the report for 1/2 price - didn't pay more than £20. The character profile was perfect. I followed her instructions (totally accurate) and met the love of my life - within the time she predicted. That was more important to me than anything else in my life. She changed my life from lonely singleton to part of a happy couple. I'm sorry she wasn't able to help everyone.

  30. Anonymous5:53 PM

    guys I don't know if you read the terms and conditions, (most people never do) it says that content may be fictitious and the picture is computer generated and is not real. I guess thats how they protect themselves from being prosecuted. they can easily explain that they stated its only for entertainment. its a pity we were all hoping it would be real.

  31. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I felt compelled to pay Jenna the 80 dollars for a reading simply because she knew the exact year of a tragic event in my life and a couple of other details about me in my intitial reading. I am going through a huge change right now, so that could definitely be the "transit". I got into my savings account and transfered the 80 bucks. Then I got to thinking and googled her. The comments I have read have convinced me to keep the 80 bucks that I so desperately need to finance my move across the country and to take care of my children. The thought of paying her and not even recieving a reading, which some people have claimed happened to them, is the main reason I will opt out. I have faith that I will handle my transit period just fine on my own.

  32. Anonymous12:47 PM

    jenna is so true ...what she predicted is 100% true ...about my future ....each nd every thing is same wht she predicted

  33. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Hey guys, i just had a debit order of 80usd to her but after i read all the reviews, i feel like opting out is there a way to do so? Help please!!

  34. Anonymous3:49 PM


  35. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I found jenna by accident. What she predicted was true and i was impressed. out of curiosity i googled her name and found that she was fake. i am confused. And yes she told me something happened to me when i was 17. she told this to someone else also.

  36. Anonymous4:35 AM

    For my free reading I was told the following (summarized): I possess the same capabilities as her and she wants to help me with them, she feels very close to me and can see i'm hesitating, my insights have led me to her website, something happend to me at the age of 17-18 which has held me back since then, I am going to meet a very important person during the "transit" period (88 days)but she needs me to sign up so she can tell me when and where, I will have financial success and she will tell me when and how that will occur, she felt my unusually strong intuition and a powerful energy and aura...(she hasn't felt this with any clients in her last 25 years of experience), and of course I am a very good person and she wants to be my friend.
    If you all received this type of initial reading and decided to pay her $$ to continue...than you've all been DUPED and HER financial success has been growing. :)

    1. Anonymous4:07 AM

      Word for word, she told me the same things. After five emails, I have not sent money, I almost fell for it. Im sooo glad I didnt. Thanks everyone !

  37. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Hi there, I'm sorry that you feel this way and I'm very upset to see all these complaints. Something has obviously gone wrong somewhere because my service is not a scam and I do respond to all of my clients. Please write to me at and I will sort this out with you personally.

    All the best, Jenna

  38. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Hi there, I'm sorry that you feel this way and I'm very upset to see all these complaints. Something has obviously gone wrong somewhere because my service is not a scam and I do respond to all of my clients. Please write to me at and I will sort this out with you personally.

    All the best, Jenna

  39. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Jenna is really a fraud and i beleived her and i realised that i was a fool to beleive her.Initially on emailing she sends a free horoscope which told everything true about my past.She also used a fascinating word 'KARMA'for me as i am from India.She wrote that my life is going to change in coming three months.I was in a delimma and full of of anxiety regarding my love life,so she wrote many things which raised hope in me.But nothing happened.Whenever i talked to the to the person i love,i thought that jenna is right and i will get my love.But the result was totally opposite and the boy stopped talking to me.My hope has been shattered.Jenna also told me that i have some psychic powers.She wrote that i need someone for guidance always with me,actually this she wrote to lure me for making payment for becoming her customer.Jenna also wrote that i am going to get a huge amount of money by game of chance and after a month i got a sms on my number that my number has won 800,000 pounds in some mobile contest,so i thought that jenna was right and thus i started building some hope for my love life also,Thinking that Jenna is right in predictions.But that contest organiser asked 800 pounds from me for couriering the cheque instead and i searched on internet then i came to know that these contests are fake and fool the people to get money in name of courier.So,PLEASE DO NOT BELEIVE THIS JENNA ASTROLOGER.She also says that she has seen my past in something.She might have seen the past but after payment whatever she tells is really false,so do'nt get in her trap.I HAVE ALSO READ SOMEWHERE THAT THIS JENNA ASTROLOGER IS A MAN FROM FRANCE WHO USE PHONE NUMBER IS +33556674198.

    1. Hi .. Watsup ?
      I have got the same thing here, but I m not sure ! So, just out of curiosity can we exchange an email of that reading we got from this site?
      I'll be looking forward to ur reply ! It will b a great help.
      Thanks .. XoXo

  40. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I understand why everyone is so sceptical about this but any astrological reading can be said to be fake its really all about whether or not that you chose to believe. She might be 100% right for some people and completely wrong for others and only hit on certain aspects for others. Its a completely personal choice on whether that you feel she is worth the money that she is asking you for. This is her livelihood you don't expect to go to the doctor and get it for free or a person that provides herbal medicine and get the medicine for free. Give her some credit for what she is doing.

  41. Anonymous2:44 AM


  42. I would say nothing happens by chance. There is no such thing as an accident we all met Jenna because we yearned to know something angthing about ourselves.... maybe we felt something we could'nt explain.
    I recieved Jeena's reading and I am a good person and i would like to belive that she was a good person too. so if you believe in something so much and you actually have the money to spend then why criticize someone doing somthing. I'd love to read more but i dont have that kind of money.

  43. I believe in the robot readings and not in Jenna. The robot work free.

  44. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Well i have read most of the mails and this is my view. Her initial reading of me was ok so i paid the 60 bucks for the full reading. I got that reading about two months back and belive me its been accurate. She mentioned foreign contacts and all of a sudden i found myself have contact with foreigners just like she said. How come most u complaining have not even paid but yet u think she is a fake. How did u know? is it from other reviewers that did not pay also? and by the way why should u expect the reading to be free if u had the ability would u do it for free?

  45. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Normally I would google for reviews but I trusted her face n felt a transition in my life n got a reading for Libra instead of Sagittarius! Live n learn!

  46. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Idk if I believe her with all of this here Im reading. Like one thing about it I only did the reading because it was free, I wasnt expecting to see a fee of $80, to be paid to her. I also feel that if something in my life is going to happen then it will not because she said so but because thats whats suppoes to happen for me. Im not going to question how real her talent is but, I for damn sure dont have money to waist and I let her know that I appreciate her and her time.

  47. Anonymous6:09 PM

    So I can't make my mind up about her. Very mixed reviews indeed. I have had an email saying that she will reduce the price. I didn't like that because it is one of the oldest selling tricks in the book!
    I want to believe her BUT if she does this on such a large scale how can it be accurate?

  48. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I just got her email and I could not believe how true everything was that she said. I then saw that the cost would be $80 for a full reading and I immediately thought it seemed like a scam. The info she did give was better than others, but I still will not be paying for anything...$80 is a lot if she is just copying and pasting.

  49. Anonymous12:08 AM

    I paid it (well ALMOST)...and I had not a single negative feeling about this...she was dead on about ALOT but after having submitted the pymt I decided to research...which is rather strange because I ALWAYS research before buying ANYTHING. Needless to say but I'm going to anyway...I called my sister who works at the bank and stopped pymt on that ish. Fool me once...

  50. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Any human will do anything whatever,no matter right or wrong for a living cause they know they were hapless or hopeless a fact lets forgive them for what they did and do.Remember no satan will come in his own image to tempt you down to hell!To be honest with my experiences I should say that man live by faith....and so those who believes in all this abstract things or can go with it...there's nothing wrong with all this.To some extent I appreciate Jenna for her guidence and especially those flattering lines...yea it really helps to some innocent into developed confidence and courage.But I would like to confess I dont believe in all this fishy things...and you should not at all lest you go with your folly.Talking about her prediction its radiculous...she or he whatever I dont know to what gender this person's really belong...its seems all the reading goes the same to everyone 17& funny that this guy go bargaining with his/her self not knowing his/her customers will give the damn.One easy old trick she/he did to me was fixing the date of my between this month and so...Only in order to make my payment done as fast as he/she can grasp.So be sensible in dealing with all this sweet scam...its a big deal guys ..its 21th century.....cheers!
    Thanx Jenooo for the brief entertainment....lmao.
    Only God knows and he have the best plan for you...we dont need to be in hurry.Everything will come in place so lets pray for the best.The birds and animals in the forest never knew and they didnt bother for tomorrow and its future...The creator takes care of them and feed them with everything they need.Our life too rotate the same as the seasons change with every passes of time.So wait with patience and believe in your hearts for the beautiful season to come...In Your Life...!!!*


  51. Anonymous4:09 PM

    i may be a bit late to post on this blog but going to anyway. i just received my FREE reading from "jenna" and no surprised something happened to me when i was 17 - 18, it didnt but she said it did, she said im a really good person and wants to be my friend, she wont and wouldnt never have gotten any money off me anyway. she is a robot and not even a real person,a robot that cant spell either,its computer generated, a real astrologer isnt a psychic,they are two completely different things,a genuine astrologer would not tell you that you must act now before its to late,and planets dont stay in retrograde for just a few days they stay in it for months,also like a lot of others peoples readings im also pyschic and going to get rich and meet the love of my life,i thought computers were meant to be clever,you would think it would change the script now and again, please dont fall for online psychics/mediums/astrologers,go see a real one face to face,i know there isnt many real ones either and a lot of fakes out there but getting a reading from a robot who wants your money isnt the way to go.

  52. Anonymous6:26 PM

    After going through all the comments, i must confess, am completely confused. Some said Jenna is real while some others she is SCAM. But then, You guyz should please compare the mail i got from her with yours let add to all the comments so far.
    She told somtin happened wen i was 17/18yrs, she told i have been having blockages which she will help me stop after paying the $80, that i will meet the love of my life and i will have finanacial breakthrough with the transit, she also told me i have psychic ability that she will guide me ... please i need your opinion.

  53. Anonymous11:22 PM

    please dont be confused by jenna the astrologer, this is my second post now and responding to the one below mine, she is definetely a robot and the same reading is posted out to all of us near or less, the only difference is our names are added in,she said my name had special meaning,just like me apparently and i wasnt named it just by coincidence, we are all the same age 17 - 18 when something happened to us we are all psychic and are all special but with blockages, but also all going to get rich and meet our soulmates, but only if we pay her the 80 bucks, she hasnt actually asked me for me yet and our transit days vary,mine is 44 days,and i did get my reading very quickl, in just a few hours while most on here had to wait 3 days, please believe me "SHE" is a robot,even her photo is computer generated,a true astrologer would never use just a first name,Norah and Tara are computers too,if her readings make people feel better or gives them hope then i suppose that is ok but please do not spend 80 bucks on a bad speelling robot who is sending out the same messages to everyone

  54. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Hi people,

    I am amazed AND intrigued by this whole experience, my story goes like this...I request her free reading..the best i have ever heard in my say the truth nobody knows me well but she said things so perfect that even i didn't know and it was true. But then i found these scams and comments and accusations and my mind just flipped..i cross analyised, reasoned...everything...and then did the wildest thing...paid her..damn and guess what she replied back..the relief..that my intuition was right...the transit..17 years all the things were there..but the thing is..its the happened in my life..i dont know how many people are like me..seriously guys I think you should risk that 80$ to try this woman..its life changing..but i do not guarantee this...I have a reason..I think somebody else is playing her name..something fradulant...something sure is coz some people paid and didn't receive. I pray for everyone the best and I believe your problems will be solved through better understanding of yourself.
    Love and Respect

  55. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Thank you all just read ur comments and I have decided not to have my reading done x

  56. Anonymous7:14 AM

    she mailed me the same, something happened when i was 17 or 18 years, n transit period for me is 118 days, and it is the most important time of my life, yes it is the important time of my life,hope what
    she predicted is going to be true

  57. Anonymous12:08 AM

    It is so true! No two people should have identical readings! Each individual is different from the other. If people are catching identical readings from Jenna? She is fake! Do an investigation. Use many different e-mails at different times. And you will be surprised as to how carbon copy these readings are ;)

  58. Anonymous3:38 AM

    my name is Roy and i come from Indonesia. Yes it is true that Jenna was offered me for a full reading at USD 80 then she was make it low at USD 55. Then I accepted and make a payment on 8 jan 2013, while waiting for the result I found this page and read what are you talking about, it made me a little bit worry because i think i will loose my money. But today, 11 Jan 2013 i received an e-mail from her about the full-reading astrology, I count the pages and it over 200 pages of her works. It is real and i'm not joking or offense to all of you ... Just wanna share you my experience with Jenna. Thanks

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Hello Roy
      I have also paid $80 and worried about losing money. You reassure me with what you wrote. I am in south Africa.

  59. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I found Jenna in the process of searching for answers to some of my life's puzzle last week(Jan. 2013). What she said was true and i was impressed. out of curiosity I goggled her name and found this site. Now I am confused as there are people with negative comment as there are the ones with positive comment . And yes she told me something happened to me when i was 17. she told this to some other persons also but my mind is made up, am going to also do the wildest her .....only that way will I find out the real truth about Jenna and her predictions. I will write again to share my experience after payment.

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Hi did u pay her, I just got my first free reading then the 2nd one is 80 dollars usd,,

  60. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Hi all, I was interesting in Jenna's readings until she asked for the 80$. Nonetheless, I think she is real. I went through one of the 'teach yourself astrology' classes and she is relevant. Jupiter in currently transiting Leo, and Leo is ruled by the Sun which is Energy of our universe, so you can expect all star signs to be affected positively on a large scale. Guess what Jenna has done is to use the most universal changes that happen in human, just like the mid 30s. 80$ though, is way on the higher side...

  61. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Try to chat to her live on her website... Then log off (that's if she doesn't run away first, after you for example ask her surname) and then you will see, she is there each time you log on, ready to talk to you again, not recognizing she's just been "talking" to you.
    And seriously, ask her her surname, you won't get it, no matter how many times you ask.. Is this a professional astrologer?
    And how does "she" manage the time? Is she always chatting to people (as I'm sure she's not the only one she chats to) and also busy doing all the readings for people, as quite a lot of them do believe and pay her.

  62. Anonymous9:14 PM

    It is clear to me that Jenna does in fact use astrology. It's just that she fills up her response with lifting bullshit and fear mongering as well. Everyone wants to hear something good about themselves, and most people give into fear pretty easily. Astrology in truth does hit the nail on the head as far as ones personality goes. And from that she builds a framework to manipulate you. I looked at my own free reading and saw some truths about me. She claimed interest in me, but then asked me for 80 dollars. And that's all I needed to take a step back and find the truth.
    From there I was curious if it was the same exact thing from person to person. But they got a different post. And as I read though it to see how well it applied to me, it didn't at all. If it was sent to me, there were some parts I would have instantly closed it on, knowing it to be the absolute opposite of me.
    So from this I can conclude she is an astrologer, but also a manipulator, and possibly a scammer if people who did pay the money never got what she claimed to give them. And that's very clever.

    The best lies are always the closest ones to the truth.

  63. Anonymous9:45 AM

    She is fake

  64. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I got messages from Jenna and out of curiousity i went ahead and paid her the $ that she asked for this was 2 days ago she said it will take three to 4 days for her to respond back to me with a full readin i will keep you posted

  65. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I also got the same email that says something happened to me when I was 17, 18. The thing is I couldn't think of anything that happened to me around that time. I amoung others was asked for the fee. 80, 40, 20, 10, 20, then 40. If you go to the site and she messages you everytime you're on there, it's always "I" I have always been curious of to getting readings from her but I was always unsure and ending up always not going through with paying the fee. Some will say she is real, some will say she's fake. Don't know which to believe cause I never really gone through with any of the full readings. I just like reading the emails for fun

  66. Guys be realistic, she is good at the type of work he does. for those of you whose intuitions stop at just 5 senses ,can never understand her well. she has a big number to attend to and accurately, so, those calling her a fraud must first thing before they talk. in any case , if u are the genuine ones, why do you hide your names. Regards to you all. Understand that certain talent are not for everyone but for a few chosen ones, whose hearts are blessed beyond, whose souls can manage pain that others can't. George

  67. Anonymous1:42 PM

    The so called Jenna is a dangerous and wicked personality whom i accidentally fell a victim. Please be careful of her. I was once a victim of this dangerous woman. If you refuse to be intimidated by the readings of this woman. She uses wicked spiritual method to intimidate you. You will end up carrying more problems if you get in touch with her either accidentally or willingly. Be warned

  68. i hav read lots of comments on jenna..2 yr back i got an email from her mentioning the same thing as to the others..but here i was bit surprised why most of people who got mil from her found every thing so true that they r ready to my case i was intended to pay to coz she was so concerned about me but lack of money i didn't pay her...but i got surprisingly success to get 3 job letters from multinational companies people are dream for even after having experience and i got that as fresher in a very dramatic way that in any conditions they want to recruit me....while before that time even domestic companies were not ready to pay me...i don't know if she is fraud but the period she told me about were 100 % right...may be it was coincidence...

  69. Anonymous2:07 PM

    me too also almost fall victom for this "jenna" person ,good thing i do researches about it and found out most people say its a scam .....but thing is ,she already been active for few years now but why nobody take any legal action against her if its really a fraud ?

  70. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Everyone must click on her Google Adwords link again and again until HE loses money like he is stealing yours.

  71. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Similar reading was provided to me as well but fortunately I did not pay her any money. I was in a terrible condition at that point of time so I needed something like that to feel better. But I am so glad that I did not incur any loss. So please anyone, if you are getting any such mail, be sure about it. Search about the astrologer first of all and don't let yourself fall prey to such stupididty.

  72. henry8:49 AM

    @esa uto i am also confused who is the real jenna because when you go to the website you are directed to jenna and there is also jenna's personal website??

  73. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Even i received her first reading with a request of paying 79$.... she writes very convincingly but is fake....

  74. Anonymous10:31 PM

    I got a free reading from Jenna. I of course did not pay the 79 dollars she demanded. Then I sent her three other requests and I wrote different birth dates, places of birth and names of course. I even used different computers in case they realised they were sent from the same computer. And the what? I received 3 copy paste readings, exactly the same although they were for different astrological signs. The funny thing is that she/he was almost 90% correct with the reading I received and I was impressed to tell the truth. It seems people of the World have similar problems. One of my fake persons was an old old guy (about 80) and Jenna was talking about "love life" and "job opportunities"!!!!! moreover, on her website it says she reaches thousands of people around the World. She must be a good superman to send long, very long readings to thousands of people in just 2 or 3 days. Let's be reasonable. It's not something weird to believe in fortune readings or astrology. You can consult psychics, mediums or fortune tellers. But don't do it online. Go to recommended ones. Face to face is a must in such cases because there will be energy exchanged.

  75. I want to know about my future, my relationship, and everything related to me.

  76. I had made several payments to Jenna, via her links provided in the emails. Had received some very good and interesting astrology from her. However, recently I made her a payment of 33.03 Pounds on 30.9.17 but have not received any emails from her. I tried to send her emails; from where all the different emails that i got; but there is no response to any of them. The problem is there is no contact details to contact here and inform her that "MY PAYMENT WAS MADE BY CREDIT CARD BUT I HAVE NOT RECEIVED ANYTHING FROM YOU".


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